
Fox River Jeep Club


Article 1 – Name of Club

This organization is a not for profit organization and shall be known as the Fox River Jeep Club; Hereafter in this document referred to as “FRJC”, or “Club”.

Article 2 – Purpose of Club

The Fox River Jeep Club is organized as a nonprofit organization for the purpose of:

  1. Providing recreational, social, and educational activities for its members.
  2. Participating in and supporting civic activities, enjoying and protecting all local, state and federal resources and assisting various government agencies with the development of off-road trails, areas, and parks.
  3. Supporting charitable causes.
  4. Adhering to the principles of the Tread Lightly program and the United Four Wheel Drive Association.

Article 3 – Membership and Dues


  1. To be a member of the Fox River Jeep Club, you must own a vehicle, which is titled as a Jeep.
    1. Current members who have been continuous members since May 1, 2013, do not currently own a jeep, and want to remain club members, are exempt from this requirement.
    2. Current members who have been continuous members since May 1, 2013, subsequently sell his/her Jeep, and want to remain club members, are exempt from this requirement.
  2.  Club members must be at least 18 years of age.
  3.  Each membership includes immediate household family members
  4. Voting rights for the named member on the application only (“paid member”)
  5. All members must conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly fashion      during all club activities.
  6. Vehicles used by members during club events must be properly insured according to the applicable  laws of their state and residency or vehicle registration (if registered).
  7. Members or drivers of a club member’s vehicle during club events must have a valid driver’s license.
  8. Members must pay club dues annually
  9. Members must comply with all applicable safety regulations according to article 5, as well as any park rules and regulations.
  10. Members who participate in club events are responsible for their own lodging, admission fees, food, fuel, and any other expenses of said club events , unless arrangements for club funds have been approved by the club or the board of directors prior to the event.
  11. Any member of the club who intentionally damages or destroys public or private property, or willfully violates the club bylaws, local, state, or federal law(s) while participating in any club activity will be expelled immediately without requiring a vote.
  12. Membership in the club is a privilege; membership can be revoked at any time by ⅔ vote of officers without warning.


  1. Applicants must fill out a FRJC application on the website.
  2. After completing the membership application, prospective members will have probationary club status. Probationary status lasts until final membership determination is made. Probationary status will be a maximum of 12 consecutive months from date of application or until membership requirements are met, whichever comes first.


  1. Final membership determination is made after probationary member meets the following three requirements:
    1. Probationary members shall attend three (3) club functions to become eligible for full membership. [7/8/2022]
    2. Potential members will be approved by a majority ⅔ vote. Voting will take place every other month as necessary.
    3. Upon approval, the applicant will pay prorated dues including the month of meeting when the applicant was approved.


  1. Membership dues for this organization shall be $30 per calendar year.[10/8/2014]
  2. Membership dues and other money collected will be used for club purchases, expenditures for club activities, and operational expenses. Other expenses will be voted upon by the paid membership at designated meetings or decided by the officers. Monthly expenditures must be audited by the Board of Directors.
  3. Existing members are required to pay their next year’s dues 5 days prior to the annual dinner every January. Renewal of membership is not guaranteed and may be declined.
  4. Existing members who do not pay their next yearly membership dues 5 days prior to the annual dinner will be dropped from the club roster. If an existing member that does not pay dues by the 5th day prior to the annual dinner and wants to rejoin, they may do so. However, the amount of the dues will be $40 for that year only, no matter when in the calendar year they rejoin.
  5. Members who paid dues for the current year and do not rejoin may still attend the club’s year end dinner.

Article 4:  Meetings

  1. Official meeting times/places will be decided during the club’s scheduled membership meetings and will be posted on the club’s website calendar.
  2. The club will conduct a minimum number of events annually which will be published on the club website. Board and  officers shall attend at least 3 events annually as well as many of the monthly membership meetings as possible.
  3. Club meetings and event dates shall be published on the club website and are subject to change. Changes will be noted on the website. A preliminary schedule of events for the coming year shall be published on or before November 1st and finalized on or before the last scheduled club meeting for the calendar year.
  4. Whenever possible, all major club decisions shall be made during club meetings by a ⅔ majority vote of the paid members present. Major decisions include but are not limited to expenditure of funds for food during club events, location and date of Annual Dinner, change of the date of major events, etc…

Article 5 – Vehicle Approval and Safety

  1. All vehicles used at FRJC events must have adequate equipment for legal operation.
  2. Seat belts are required for all occupants
  3. Possession of firearms are subject to Federal, State, Local laws and park regulations.
  4. It is the intent of FRJC to promote safe and fun four wheeling.
  5. It is required that, for trail ride events, all vehicles shall be equipped with basic safety & recovery equipment including, but not limited to:
    1. CB/Communication equipment in working order.
    2. Fire Extinguisher
    3. Roll bar/cage for removable top Jeeps
    4. Full size spare/jack
    5. Recovery strap with no hooks
    6. Substantially mounted front and rear tow points
    7. Clevis/shackle screw type and/or soft shackles [7/8/2022]
    8. First aid kit
  6. All vehicles will have an annual inspection completed prior to trail events. Inspection will be performed by appointed club officers.

Article 6 – Alcohol/Illegal Substances

  1. Alcohol or illegal substances are not allowed while driving as per applicable law(s). If these violations occur during a club trail ride, the member/s will be instructed to leave.
  2. Alcohol is permitted at camp outs or other non motorized club activities.

Article 7 – Administration and Officers

  1. The elected officers of FRJC shall consist of President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator and Safety Director.
  2. The club  webmaster position shall be appointed by the Board of Directors via a ⅔ majority vote of said board. The webmaster position shall adhere to the following:
    1. The webmaster position may be held by a Board of Directors member.
    2. There is no term limit for the webmaster, but the position must be voted on when there is a change in the membership of the Board of Directors, if the webmaster leaves  the club, resigns for position, or if the members of the club have voted for a change of webmaster (which then must still be voted on by the Board of Directors).
    3. The individual occupying the position of webmaster must possess the necessary technical ability to publish and maintain the club website.
    4. The club members may request or petition a change of webmaster during a club meeting with a ⅔ majority vote of the paid members present. The nominated webmaster must then be approved by a ⅔ majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board of Directors shall consist of the original founding members. If there becomes an open position with the Board by resignation, impeachment, or other means, a club vote with ⅔ majority vote of paid members will determine the new Board member.
  4. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the club, subject to the will of the membership. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In the event of a tie vote for an item requiring a decision of the Board, the issue shall be voted upon by the club president.
  5. The Board of Directors will
    1. Appoint all committee chairpersons
    2. Co-sign checks for payment of club expenses
    3. Appoint temporary officers/chairpersons.
  6. The fiscal year for the club shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. All budgeting, and financial accounting shall be rendered on this basis.
  7. Any property; real, personal or interest therein; or equipment purchased by the club shall not be considered property of any individual member or group of members, but shall be known as club property.
  8. In the event of the club disbanding, all club property shall be sold. The sale will be coordinated by the Board of Directors. All monies present at the time of disbanding and after the sale of property will be donated to a charity chosen by the board.
  9. A handoff meeting will take place between incoming and outgoing officer(s) when there is a change of officer(s).

Article 8 – Duties and Power of Officers


  1. President:  Runs meeting and is face of the club. Approves all suggestions/events presented by club officials/members. Attends Board meetings and presents items needing board approval. (i.e. change in bylaws, expenditure of funds, new community partnerships, final club calendar, etc…)
  2. Vice President:  Does the President’s job if the President is unavailable. Ensures integrity of all club votes. Works with all club officials to ensure club bylaws are followed. Monitors open/members FB pages. Assists the President as needed/requested. Assists Events Coordinator and Community Events Director in finding/securing event sponsorship as needed.
  3. Treasurer:  Keeps track of club funds and handles merchandise orders/inventory. Requests club expenditure approval from President/VP. Reports paid memberships to the Secretary for entry on members spreadsheet. Prepares monthly accounting reports.                 .
  4. Safety Director:  Is responsible for safety meetings and pre-run discussions.
  5. Events Coordinator:  Sets-up club calendar and is the main contact for club member event suggestions. Works with the Treasurer when club funds are needed.
  6. Secretary:  Keeps track of club minutes. Handles club memberships and members spreadsheet. Assists other officers as requested.

Article 9 – Expenditures and Finance

  1. All monies received for all sources shall immediately be turned over to the treasurer.
  2. There will be no reimbursement/refund of any club dues from members who terminate for any reason.
  3. Any receipt for payment of club funds shall be presented to the treasurer within 30 days of the date on the receipt. All others will not be paid, unless authorized by the Board of Directors.

Article 10 – Election of Officers

  1. Officers shall be at least 21 years of age.
  2. The membership shall nominate officers in November and elect officers during December for the ensuing calendar year. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of members present.
  3. To provide continuity, officer positions will be two-year terms and elected as follows:
    1. During the first year of the club, the Board members will fill open officer positions until the specified officer election year.
    2. President, Secretary, and Event Coordinator will be elected in odd numbered years and take office on January 1 of the following even numbered year.
    3. Vice President, Treasurer, and Safety Director will be elected in even numbered years and take office on January 1 of the following odd number year.
  4. All elected officers may run for the same position, and may hold the same elected office for multiple terms, but no more than two terms consecutively. At the end of two consecutive terms, a member may run and hold the office of another position.
    1. To Ensure a vacated office position is filled as soon as possible, a special election will be conducted.
  5. Voting, including but not limited to elections, will use established standards and practices as designated by the Officers.
  6. Nominations will be conducted on the Website/Facebook forum prior to the meeting, and closed at the time designated by the Officers.
  7. The new officer/s will be elected by paid members with a simple majority vote.

Article 11 – Impeachment

  1. Any Officer/Board of Directors of FRJC may be impeached by a ⅔ majority vote of the paid members present for the vote, but a quorum of 80% of current active members is required to vote. A special meeting  may be called by any Board member for such a situation or the vote may occur during a regular monthly club meeting. A motion for an impeachment vote may be initiated by any club member. Initiation  of an impeachment vote shall require that an officer/board member behave in a manner that reflects poorly on the club including, but not limited to the following:
    1. Intentionally damaging or destroying public or private property.
    2. Willful violation of the club bylaws, local, state, or federal law/s while participating in any club activity which may be directly or indirectly associated with or credited to the club.
    3. Misappropriation of club funds.
    4. Misrepresenting the club or its purpose.
    5. Behavior not in accordance with the highest standards of decency, respect and order during a club event or in representation of the club.

Article 12 – Amendments

  1. These bylaws can be amended by a ⅔ majority vote of the paid members present for the vote. Any amendment to the bylaws must be presented to the membership at a regular club meeting.
  2. The changes to the bylaws can be voted on whole or item-by-item. The president, or highest ranking officer, will determine the means of the vote.
  3. Amendment Process:
    1. Amendments to the bylaws shall be started with a motion from the floor, followed by a second. The person or persons presenting the motion must then submit the proposed changes in writing to members for consideration. The proposed changes will be published on the website/facebook page either prior to or on the day of the meeting which they are proposed.
    2. At the next club meeting, following the meeting during which the proposed amendments to the bylaws were presented, there will be open discussion amongst the membership regarding the proposed and any further changes to be incorporated into the new proposal.
    3. Votes on bylaw changes will be taken at the next regularly scheduled meeting following the meeting where the entire membership discussed the changes; the vote will occur at the second meeting after the original changes were proposed.

Article 13 – Off-Roading Event Guidelines

  1. Adhere to the Tread Lightly program.
    1. Trash – Pack it in  – Pack it out.
    2. Club members are responsible for their families and guests.
    3. Wear seat belts.
    4. Help inexperienced drivers on the trail.
    5. Choose your trail line wisely, make good judgment calls while trail riding, don’t be afraid to ask for help from fellow members.
    6. While trail riding, make sure the vehicle directly in front and directly in back is visible at all times.
  2. It is recommended that the members present at a specific club event review safety procedures, in case of emergency, at the trailhead before an event begins.
  3. Members who participate in a specific club event are responsible for coordination of their own traveling and lodging arrangements unless special arrangements have been made by the club. In general, those who participate in an event are responsible for organizing the event including travel plans, lodging reservations, and food.

Article 14 – Liability

  1. While trail riding, if you venture on an area not marked, or a closed area, and an officer of the law issues you a ticket, arrests you, or confiscates your vehicle, liability is borne solely by the vehicle owner and/or the person performing the illegal action.
  2. Neither the Fox River Jeep Club (nor its officers or members) is responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to any vehicle. Personal property in vehicles is solely the owner’s responsibility. Each person is participating in FRJC activities voluntarily and are responsible for their own actions.

Article 15 – Indemnification

The club, to the extent legally permissible, shall indemnify each of its officers and former officers and my indemnify all agents, employees of the club against all liabilities and expenses, including amounts paid in satisfaction of judgment, in compromise, or as fins, penalties, and counsel fees in connection with the defense of disposition of any action, suit, or other proceedings, whether civil or criminal in which he may be involved in with which he may be threatened, while in office, except with the respect to any matter as to which he shall be adjudicated of any proceeding not to have acted in good faith, if the reasonable belief that his action was in the best interest of the club, however, that as to any matter disposed of by a compromise payment by such officer, employee, or agent, pursuant to a consent decree or otherwise, no indemnification for such payment or for any other expenses shall be provided unless such compromise shall be approved as in the best interest of the club by a ⅔ vote of the disinterested members of the Board. The right of indemnification hereby provided shall not be exclusive of or affect any other rights to which an officer may be entitled. As used in this paragraph the terms “officer”, “agent”, or “employee” include their respective heirs, executors, and administrators.

The aforementioned bylaws were initially adopted on April 25, 2013.

[ ] indicated amendments to the bylaws by majority club/board vote.